What Difference does it Make??

I started this with a conversation among a few friends talking about the nations budget woes, and thoughts on who is really running the country. It got started by reading an essay from Roger Kimball on American Greatness. You can find the article here.

After all of this, I don’t think there’s much difference between the parties. Those of us who aren’t in the in crowd are just worker bees paying for a hive and we have no idea why but continue on. There really does need to be a major reset but not what all of the politicians think. Remember the tea party and all of the senators and congressmen that came in because of that. Today they are nothing more than a bunch of younger versions of the old guard.

We need a balanced budget but not in the form of a bill. It needs to be an amendment to the constitution or such. Otherwise they will just keep passing omnibus bills to avoid having to face reality. I ran across this document concerning the budget process. https://budget.house.gov/sites/democrats.budget.house.gov/files/documents/crs%20budget%20overview.pdf When you look at the amendments you can see why I think a balanced budget should be part of the constitution. Any private organization would have it in the bylaws. I don’t think the founding fathers ever imagined that “the government” would be the largest business in the nation, moreover though the “masons” were in many respect a union, they did not consider that these servants would ever become a unionized working force.

So who’s behind the door with Biden? I think it’s numerous people but mostly from Obama’s court. Susan Rice, definitely along with Obama himself. I think Dick Durban and others are just mouthpieces. Despite all of the squawking from the gang, Ilhan, AOC is just noise. They’re fools and the deep players are just letting them run interference. Republicans too often prove the left’s view of us as true. For the most part we are just the true believers in hope and change. We believe that somehow all of these investigations that our side performs for us in congress will really lead to something. I’ve watched the republicans gain control of both houses and the presidency numerous times over my voting career. How many times has there been any actions that vindicate the corrupt exploits of the left. Reagan was famously duped by then Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neil on several occasions. His agreement for a tax increase was supposed to be met with the house proposing to reduce taxes in other areas. It was just a lie, Democrats lie.

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