Washington Politics and Elections

Washington State moved to all mail in or Dropbox ballots many years ago. I have met some who remember when Washington voted like most states at the time by in person voting. I don’t know what the statistics are but I imagine most of the voting takes place in most of the states now with mail in or what it is supposed to be, absentee ballots. Even when we lived in Kalifornia, my wife and I started voting absentee. It started once we were actually going to be absent and then it just became more convenient. Oregon is another state that has has mail in ballots for many years. This goes back even to the mid nineties. My father who lived in a rural area was all for it because they would have to travel to vote. Even then it bothered him that there was nobody there to check your ID.

Voting, at least how you vote has just become a political issue for both parties. What’s missing is the purpose of voting, the duty of voting and the consequences of voting, or not. Our country was established based on the rights of the people. This is clearly set in the constitution and the Bill of Rights. The writers of those documents did their best to protect the majority which I mean as citizens from the politicians. Every article of the constitution is limiting the government. The problem is that “the government” has grown into a bunch of people and is overrun with non elected officials given powers that are opposed to the constitution. Look at the current ruling by the Supreme Court with regards to the EPA. They rectified and limited the powers of an agency that has run amok.  Personal note, the EPA was formed during Nixion’s presidency and for many, including myself the absolute worst decision he ever made. CAL EPA is even worse that the federal. This was one of the departments that was weaponized by the Obama administration. Waters of the US was a tool they used to push regulation, even to the point of claiming some cattle ponds were governed by this decree. The IRS was also used by him, yes Obama personally to target people who opposed his amoral governing. He should be in jail for many causes.

But I didn’t start this with the intention of taking on all the ills of our government and it’s passed participants. I wanted to discuss specifically elections in Washington, though my thoughts may be relevant in other states as well. The state of Washington went to all vote by mail in 2005. This was law passed by the legislature. All ballots are intended to be submitted by drop box or by mail. You can however vote in person or drop off your ballot at certain government offices, such as the county auditors office for Snohomish County in Everett. Are the drop boxes monitored, nope. Should they be? Yes, in my opinion.

I have worked several elections in my county. The outline that you can find on the Washington state site is accurate as to the path that the ballots are supposed to take from vote to election. I have worked in several of the sections during the elections, including opening ballots and scanning them. I can say that I found little area in most of the activities for the ability to engage in election fraud. There are two areas on the floor (which I refer to as the area where vote counting takes place). In Washington this is performed by each county. If you go back a few steps you need to start with where does the voter register to vote. Here it is mostly handled by the DMV or department of licensing. When you apply for a drivers license, you are asked if you want to register to vote. That seems safe enough however, Washington grants real driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. There is NO indication or mark on them showing their immigration status. It will only say Federal Limits Apply whis is on every license that is not enhanced. In other words, no different than most. A question you might ask is who insurers them? This one of the first areas I would identify as something that has a potential for fraud. Wishing the election work area are groups handling various tasks. You can refer to the chart provided by the state for the general flow of the ballots. What the flow chart doesn’t mention is adjudication, which is a specific area within the voting center. Like the scanner area, it is a secure area which is behind a fence from the rest of the space. Workers in pairs review ballots that were deemed by either the people who opened the ballots or the scanners to be illegible as to the voters intention. There is a whole article on judging these and I won’t go into what constitutes a ballot needing adjudication. However, this is an area where some dubious activity could be possible but it would take both members of the team to effectively commit a fraud here. Since Washington does not use voting machines, we’re really left with one big area where the vote could be manipulated. That is after the votes have been scanned into the servers on site. The Washington voting website says that the servers are not hooked up to the internet or any other network. That is really hard to verify because while the servers are behind the same fence the scanners and the adjudication personnel are, there is at least one laptop that is out of the cage. I can only speak of Snohomish County. I know that it is possible to delete batches of ballots there. If a fraudulent ballot batch could be introduced, it could be manipulated. Let me say this though. From the time the ballots come in to the work area, they are tracked with a batch number and sequence. The votes are not counted until they are scanned. It is at that point that candidate A or B votes are counted. They may not be tabulated but the scanning software has recorded the vote for each ballot.

Let’s go back to the ballot boxes. In the 2020 elections there was every indication that they were stuffed with multiple batches of ballots by individuals who had no legal rights to be handling other’s ballots. In many instances the boxes themselves were illegal according to their own state voting laws. Washington along with only a few states have no mention of vote harvesting or who can turn in votes for other voters. This is according to Ballot Pedia. Therefore, can Washington enforce any laws with regards to stuffing ballot boxes? It doesn’t look like it to me. Is there mass harvesting of ballots from facilities like rest homes or other care facilities. I believe so. Are ballots collected or stolen in the mail. Yes, I personally know of two cases of third party friends having it happen. Washington has a huge majority of liberals, many who would do anything to thwart conservatism in any form.

we should all be wary of voting fraud in our state. Should Washington return to voting in person? Absolutely. Should Washington have one day for the elections, absolutely. Should Washington get rid of mail in ballots, absolutely with the exception of specific conditions. Outside of an emergency, what stops a voter who knows they are not going to be available to vote on that designated day to vote in person early? By law voters are given the time to vote. Voters need to present their identification for multiple reasons and there is no reason why it cannot be presented to vote. The people of Washington must demand voter integrity. Washingtonians must demand fraud free elections.



What Difference does it Make??

I started this with a conversation among a few friends talking about the nations budget woes, and thoughts on who is really running the country. It got started by reading an essay from Roger Kimball on American Greatness. You can find the article here.

After all of this, I don’t think there’s much difference between the parties. Those of us who aren’t in the in crowd are just worker bees paying for a hive and we have no idea why but continue on. There really does need to be a major reset but not what all of the politicians think. Remember the tea party and all of the senators and congressmen that came in because of that. Today they are nothing more than a bunch of younger versions of the old guard.

We need a balanced budget but not in the form of a bill. It needs to be an amendment to the constitution or such. Otherwise they will just keep passing omnibus bills to avoid having to face reality. I ran across this document concerning the budget process. https://budget.house.gov/sites/democrats.budget.house.gov/files/documents/crs%20budget%20overview.pdf When you look at the amendments you can see why I think a balanced budget should be part of the constitution. Any private organization would have it in the bylaws. I don’t think the founding fathers ever imagined that “the government” would be the largest business in the nation, moreover though the “masons” were in many respect a union, they did not consider that these servants would ever become a unionized working force.

So who’s behind the door with Biden? I think it’s numerous people but mostly from Obama’s court. Susan Rice, definitely along with Obama himself. I think Dick Durban and others are just mouthpieces. Despite all of the squawking from the gang, Ilhan, AOC is just noise. They’re fools and the deep players are just letting them run interference. Republicans too often prove the left’s view of us as true. For the most part we are just the true believers in hope and change. We believe that somehow all of these investigations that our side performs for us in congress will really lead to something. I’ve watched the republicans gain control of both houses and the presidency numerous times over my voting career. How many times has there been any actions that vindicate the corrupt exploits of the left. Reagan was famously duped by then Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neil on several occasions. His agreement for a tax increase was supposed to be met with the house proposing to reduce taxes in other areas. It was just a lie, Democrats lie.

Local Elections are coming to a town near you

updated June 23, 2021
As I write this it is the beginning of June, 2021. We’re starting to see candidate and issue signs around our neighborhoods. Much the usual, many candidates make lofty statements about issues they are going to tackle but most of us know there is little a city councilman can do about “equity” or access to healthcare etc.

One of the candidates in a local election for the Bothell Washington city council has listed some pretty lofty issues he”s going to work on. Of course the solutions are weighted with simple empty platitudes. I decided to ask him “what do you mean?” I would have thought that since these were important goals for him and his campaign the answers should be pretty simple. So far I’ve heard nothing from him or his campaign.

I am or have reached out to other candidates for city council, as well as a few other elected positions locally. I will report or offer space to any who wish to make a statement including their goals or positions.


  1. Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election
  2. The federal government is colluding with private enterprises to stifle free speech in America.
  3. Kamala Harris used what’s between her legs to gain her first position in government.
  4. Joe Biden is showing signs of dementia.
  5. There was no “armed insurrection “ on January 6th, 2021. It was staged.
  6. Kamala Harris isn’t Black. She’s a mix between East Indian and Jamaican.
  7. Durham isn’t working for the American public.
  8. Top democrats, including Nancy Pelosi committed insurrection against our government and so far have gotten away with it.
  9. The COVID-19 “pandemic” isn’t. It was used to undermine Trump and is now being used as a crisis to bolster the Biden government.
  10. This so called “list” by Word Press doesn’t work as it should.
  11. The Supreme Court is shirking their duties to the American public.
  12. Michael Medved isn’t a conservative
  13. Through HR1 the democrats are working to permanently remove election integrity. They will steal every election going forward if this is allowed to pass.

What’s a Democrat to Do?

In a response to a letter I wrote to Patty Murray, one of my senators from Washington she wrote back how hard she worked for us. She also straightened me out on how “the people” used their voice to elect Joe Biden and the other one by a vast majority. Since she had me totally stumped, I just responded “What are you going to do when evidence is finally heard in the courts about the vast election fraud?” “Are you going to stand up for “the people” to remove those imposters? I don’t expect an answer.

Meanwhile, how about that trial? The filth side of the aisle continue their theatrics while the grime side continues to let them. It’s time for a change in this country. Elections are coming up before you know it. Clean house. Term limits. Adherence to the constitution.

Dear John

December 21, 2020

Honorable Justice John Roberts
Supreme Court of the United States of America

1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543

RE: Election Integrity

Dear Justice Roberts,

The Supreme Court recently refused to hear testimony and take up the case of Texas v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of Georgia, State of Michigan, and State of Wisconsin to many American’s surprise. I am not an attorney so I will not attempt to argue whether Texas has standing or not, however it seems that under the Tenth Amendment Texas as an individual state should expect that all the states of this nation adhere to the laws concerning elections passed by the federal government, as well as their own state. Without that, what state can depend that their own votes cast are counted equally with all other states.

While you may believe that Texas does not have standing, as a citizen of the United States, I believe, I do. If election fraud, malfeasance and or any violation of the trust we the people have, I adamantly propose that these allegations be investigated and either proven false or factual. Your court refused to review the allegations, much less the testimony or documents.

Elections matter to everyone. We citizens have to live with the results whether we like them or not. Please give us the chance to continue knowing that truth was heard.



Bill Fargo

Bothell, Wa.

Let it Go?

If America let’s this happen, it will be the end of America as we know it. That isn’t a good thing for anyone, including the current left. I heard a great comment this morning. “They didn’t close the bars to stop COVID. They closed the bars because they remember 1776.”

The Beginning

Our congress has never been an assemblage of angels however what our nation has seen over the last forty to fifty years is appalling. Congress has been filled with lawyers, bankers, car salesmen and pest control owners. We’ve had rotten scoundrels and a few just outright liars. More recently our representatives have turned a low corner.

Tip O’Neil comes to mind as a just pure deceitful leader who unfortunately fooled Ronald Reagan on a few occasions. Ignorance can come with a district. Maxine Waters represents a generally poor Southern California district which she doesn’t reside in. She has one of the poorest records in congress, despite being there for fifteen, 15 terms! She joins Diane Feinstein(D), Joe Biden(D) (person who ran against Donald Trump), John Dingel(D), John Lewis(D), Elijah Cummings(D) and a host of others who have or are living off of the people’s dole for too long.

Today’s members take professionalism and decency to a new low. Minnesota’s refugee, Ilhan Omar brought her own disgusting nature with her to the country that welcomed her. She lowered herself to polygamy and married her brother to sneak him into our county. Divorced, she remarried and fed her husband’s consulting firm with probably illegal monies taken as donations to her campaign. Along with Rashida Talib, Alexandra Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley they make up what’s known as the squad by our left leaning media. All contribute their particular disgusting behavior ranging from Omar and Tlaib’s anti Israel rants to Cortez’s total ignorance.

Now it seems that the entire party has colluded to participate in the largest fraud perpetrated on the rest of America, the 2020 election. With their partners in the media and the internet purveyors of lies and censorship. In our opinion, these internet services have in fact donated to the democrats without the candidates having to declare the income. Worst yet, their censorship has deprived a portion of the public free speech on equal terms. Despite this they enjoy privileges that other companies don’t. Though we believe in capitalism and the rights of individual businesses, this has got to stop.


