What’s a Democrat to Do?

In a response to a letter I wrote to Patty Murray, one of my senators from Washington she wrote back how hard she worked for us. She also straightened me out on how “the people” used their voice to elect Joe Biden and the other one by a vast majority. Since she had me totally stumped, I just responded “What are you going to do when evidence is finally heard in the courts about the vast election fraud?” “Are you going to stand up for “the people” to remove those imposters? I don’t expect an answer.

Meanwhile, how about that trial? The filth side of the aisle continue their theatrics while the grime side continues to let them. It’s time for a change in this country. Elections are coming up before you know it. Clean house. Term limits. Adherence to the constitution.

  1. Justin Greywolf

    Since there is no button to simply “like” – I will instead comment that I totally agree with you.
    30+ years is too long for one person to be in the same political office. It means no changes, business as usual – and things aren’t looking good right now.

    I admit I am biased since I am running against Patty Murray in 2022 – but either way

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