Dear John

December 21, 2020

Honorable Justice John Roberts
Supreme Court of the United States of America

1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543

RE: Election Integrity

Dear Justice Roberts,

The Supreme Court recently refused to hear testimony and take up the case of Texas v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of Georgia, State of Michigan, and State of Wisconsin to many American’s surprise. I am not an attorney so I will not attempt to argue whether Texas has standing or not, however it seems that under the Tenth Amendment Texas as an individual state should expect that all the states of this nation adhere to the laws concerning elections passed by the federal government, as well as their own state. Without that, what state can depend that their own votes cast are counted equally with all other states.

While you may believe that Texas does not have standing, as a citizen of the United States, I believe, I do. If election fraud, malfeasance and or any violation of the trust we the people have, I adamantly propose that these allegations be investigated and either proven false or factual. Your court refused to review the allegations, much less the testimony or documents.

Elections matter to everyone. We citizens have to live with the results whether we like them or not. Please give us the chance to continue knowing that truth was heard.



Bill Fargo

Bothell, Wa.

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