The Beginning

Our congress has never been an assemblage of angels however what our nation has seen over the last forty to fifty years is appalling. Congress has been filled with lawyers, bankers, car salesmen and pest control owners. We’ve had rotten scoundrels and a few just outright liars. More recently our representatives have turned a low corner.

Tip O’Neil comes to mind as a just pure deceitful leader who unfortunately fooled Ronald Reagan on a few occasions. Ignorance can come with a district. Maxine Waters represents a generally poor Southern California district which she doesn’t reside in. She has one of the poorest records in congress, despite being there for fifteen, 15 terms! She joins Diane Feinstein(D), Joe Biden(D) (person who ran against Donald Trump), John Dingel(D), John Lewis(D), Elijah Cummings(D) and a host of others who have or are living off of the people’s dole for too long.

Today’s members take professionalism and decency to a new low. Minnesota’s refugee, Ilhan Omar brought her own disgusting nature with her to the country that welcomed her. She lowered herself to polygamy and married her brother to sneak him into our county. Divorced, she remarried and fed her husband’s consulting firm with probably illegal monies taken as donations to her campaign. Along with Rashida Talib, Alexandra Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley they make up what’s known as the squad by our left leaning media. All contribute their particular disgusting behavior ranging from Omar and Tlaib’s anti Israel rants to Cortez’s total ignorance.

Now it seems that the entire party has colluded to participate in the largest fraud perpetrated on the rest of America, the 2020 election. With their partners in the media and the internet purveyors of lies and censorship. In our opinion, these internet services have in fact donated to the democrats without the candidates having to declare the income. Worst yet, their censorship has deprived a portion of the public free speech on equal terms. Despite this they enjoy privileges that other companies don’t. Though we believe in capitalism and the rights of individual businesses, this has got to stop.



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