America at War

A DC Court of Appeals found that Donald Trump could be held liable for lawsuits concerning the January 6h hoax, committed by Nancy Pelosi, the FBI and other government agencies. Much of the fake news has reported that he is liable, however the ruling really only ordered the lower court to make the decision whether he was acting as the President or a private citizen. There is precedent due to Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 731 (1982) in front of the Supreme Court. Bill Clinton tried and failed to claim immunity in Jones v Clinton. The court ruled that his behavior as a governor is separate from that of the president.

What this boils down to is just another example of the left, uniparty, RINO segment of the nation trying their best to make sure Donald Trump does not become president for a second term. He is currently defending himself in New York in a completely fraudulent trial, note that it is fraud that the inept attorney general has charged him with but also in a DC Court with an overtly leftist judge. If justice is served, he will get his day in court, a metaphor for justice but it’s doubtful. Meanwhile the polls show him well ahead of all of the Republican candidates, also ahead of Biden. This scares the crap out of the swamp republic. I think we need to take the published polling numbers with somewhat a grain of salt. While I believe generally they are true and if the elections we going to be held fairly, more importantly lawfully he is to be the next president. Remember the Red Wave of 2022? The polls and reporting caused many conservatives to stay home because they thought that their vote wasn’t needed.

In the coming months the democrats will continue to harass Trump and everyone involved. That includes you. If they, et al succeed we will be truly at war, or defeated. This time around antifa (little girls) will be dressed in girly hamas costumes. It’s certain that the government will continue to let them destroy businesses, along with private and public property. Armed with a cadre of supposedly trampled upon degenerates we, the citizens will be pushed to either defend the republic or quietly submit. The question is, is there a Nathan Hale amongst us?


Still Waiting

November 18, 2020 was my last post. By then stories of widespread election fraud were being reported on multiple news sites and also being ignored by all of the leftist media. We’ve heard various reports about the Justice Department but little from them.

Last week William Barr seem to indicate that his department “has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.” Though this statement was only a portion of his interview, the department hasn’t stepped all over themselves to attempt to clarify it. What has Barr and his department investigated to be able to even make such a statement?
I’m not an attorney however I find that the enormous amount of affidavits filled to date , as well as some pretty damming videos get my spider senses tingling. While Trumps legal team and other independent lawyers can file motions and other proceedings, ultimately Barr is the one with standing and authority to investigate and pursue criminal activity.

Here is a question for Mr. Barr and the attorneys general in the five or six states that it appears there has been some election fraud, vote tampering or simply not following the law as written in their various states. No matter how little, all of the above are breaking the law whether it is local state statutes or federal statute. No matter what, someone should be investigating. As lawsuits are dismissed by liberal judges, the American voters expect the laws to be followed. Is there a higher bar that the presidents team needs to fulfill? I’ve listened to pre trial hearings that were thrown out because of lack of evidence? Isn’t the trial where evidence is presented?

the voters aren’t going to forget, nor will they walk away. I hear calls for justice that will not be extinguished.


So Much

Black Lives Matter, BS. It isn’t cool to respond that all lives matter. That’s just plain racist. How about asking “Do black babies lives matter?” It seems the back culture has accepted that Planned Parenthood is just right while ignoring the fact that the organizations goal is to eliminate black lives.

Forget about the phrases, look at Black Lives Matter the organization.
