Seattle’s “autonomous zone?”
The not so great city of Seattle but more specifically the mayor, Ginny Durkin and the current Police chief, Carmen Best have ceded control of one of the cities police stations and more importantly several city blocks to protestors. I don’t know if anyone knows the makeup of their leadership but it’s though to be a combination of Black Lives Matter, a far left radical group funded in part by George Soros, hosting militant Antifa and other groups. Both groups have been linked to monies given by Soros, Clinton’s PAC and other far left organizations. In addition to these, many large corporations have also voiced their support. My thought is mostly in an effort to deflect antagonistic media coverage.
I don’t live in King County and have also tried to avoid going in to Seattle proper for some time. Mostly to avoid the traffic and derelicts on the streets, also a child of the way the city has been run for many years. However, it bothers me that while some news covers the city’s gift to the outlaw protestors, nothing has been said of the cost to the city and therefore the residents. I pity those caught living there in this mess. What hasn’t dawned on the leaders (of the city) or maybe has is that none of this is “the cities” money or property. All of this belongs to the taxpayers. Who is going to pay to clean up and restore this mess? Not “the city” but you, the taxpayer. It seems that the only people giving this any attention are out of the city and out of the state news companies. The local news channels have avoided it and have refused to report on the damage done or property defaced by these people.
To ask when and what does the city plan on doing about it is like talking into the wind. The mayor or police chief have no answers but if you look back, neither have ever managed to really perform their duties for the poor people living there. Both have just pandered to liberal cause and anti American appeals. Durkin once thought she would run for governor while our inept Governor Enslee ran his brief campaign for president. Once it was apparent that she and the rest of the state were going to be stuck with him, she retreated in true fashion.
Neither has taken responsibility for the department abandoning the station. More appalling and frankly unbelievable is that the Governor recently tried to convince the public that he was unaware of the handing over of city property to terrorist. If you have any thoughts on this, maybe a call or letter to the city management is in order.
Isn’t this another in a long series of mismanagement by the state and city? Unemployment Homeless, fraud, city contracting, Sound Transit Taxes and lies. Favoritism under COVID orders, Shoplifting Enforcement. There is just so much.
If anyone is interested in contacting any of these officials, information follows.
Mayor Jenny A. Durkin
P.O. Box 94749
Seattle, WA 98124-4749
Phone: 206-684-4000 – email [email protected]
Police Chief Carmen Best
PO Box 34986, Seattle, WA, 98124-4986
Phone: 206-625-5011 Though I did search for an direct email for the chief, all I was able to find was the department’s general contact form.
Governor Jay Inslee
Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002
Phone: 360-902-4111