Oh, it’s Election Time Again…….


“I’m plugged into various volunteer communities around Bothell beside Planning Commission”

There is little doubt what this person will bring to the table if elected to the Bothell City Council. Carston is listed in the Progressive Voters Guide and is guaranteed to live up to his reputation. He is another democrat plant in their goal to forever change Washington State into a Kalifornia north. He will encourage a woke agenda to the council and expansion of “inclusion” “equity” and all of the other buzz words of this generation. All you need to do is read his statement in the voter’s pamphlet.

Let’s keep far left agendas out of our Snohomish county cities. Vote no on Carston Curd.

Seattle’s Woes

The Seattle city council voted to override the Mayor’s veto of a previous resolution to defund the Seattle Police department. With two dissenting votes the measure passed. It’s hard to imagine that in the crazy world of Seattle, Jenny Durkin could be the closest voice of reason.

The local socialist, Kshama  Sawant didn’t feel that an alternative proposal went far enough. The end result will be that Seattle will lose one hundred officers, a much reduced budget including a reduction of the police chiefs salary to $275,000. It isn’t necessary to go into more details at this time. The end result is the council voted to give anarchy the rule in Seattle. How is it that the voters didn’t see this coming? I’ve heard that the city is already on the way to loose the officers. Partially by retiring out others by volunteering to exit this sickness called Seattle. It’s happening all over the country. Cities are loosing officers to smaller communities that believe in law and order.

One question I have if where is the state officers association? I’m pretty sure that Seattle has contracts with the Union. I reached out to them several weeks ago about this for a comment and so far nobody has come forward except a couple of officers interviews by the news.

The 10th Amendment

The 10th Amendment to the constitution is one of the most powerful and important amendments to our constitution.

Ratified in 1791, the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution embodies the general principles of Federalism in a republican form of government. It simply reads, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people.”

The Obama/Biden administration aggressively pursued weakening it through federal regulations throughout their term. Waters of the USA was part of the original Clean Waters act of 1972, however Obama/Biden through the EPA expanded it drastically. Soon farm ponds and most anywhere water gathered were under scrutiny for this nefarious action. Through their agencies they placed onerous requirements for any energy developments, other than wind or solar. These actions held up the construction of many energy products including the infamous Keystone Pipeline. Most people don’t know because the media didn’t report it but the Keystone as well as several other branches were extensions of an already existing pipeline. This transportation system, which include the Alaskan Pipeline is about the safest way to transport fuel across long distances. Thankfully Trump was elected and through the same regulations, he removed many which in the end, trespassed on to states rights.

This brings us to the current events happening across our nation. There is a concerted effort by the democrats, not just left wing radicals but the Democratic Party as a whole to support insurrection. Across our nation, primarily in states and local governments controlled by democrats violence is escalating. While many scream “Why isn’t Trump doing anything” remember the 10th amendment which he obviously adheres to. Like many others I know that a regular military or police action could stop this quickly. It would cost lives though. Even though most of them would be the rioters in the street. States have rights and are controlled locally. The federal government is tasked with protecting our borders, which many democratically held states oppose. The National Guard is in essence a militia, guaranteed by the constitution. They are also under the jurisdiction of the states, however they can be nationalized by the federal government. George Wallace, a Democratic governor of Alabama was a strong racist and opposed the Civil Rights Act signed in to law by Lyndon Johnson, also a Democrat and another known racist. One of Johnson’s most famous quotes of the era was “those ni**ers are going to vote for democrats for the next hundred years.” Spoken after signing one of several bills aimed at gathering the black vote. His “Great Society.” Johnson sent the national guard in to Birmingham Alabama to enforce the civil rights act on the University of Alabama campus.

The National Guard should be used sparingly. Especially on US soil. For this reason, the current administration has not sent in troops into our cities. The governor’s have all of the resources they need with their own contingent of the guard. To date, Democrat governors have refused to uphold the law and have allowed property destruction and murder to continue in their cities. The mayors are also complicit.

Many people believe that the civil war started when General Beauregard’s troops opened fire on Fort Sumpter in Charleston Bay. While several people have been shot and killed during these riots, could the recent murder of a man in Portland by an antifa terrorist be the start of the next. It is clear that he was targeted. Witnesses have said that someone in the crowd said “we’re going to take one of them down.” The suspect is believed to be black. The police have not released a statement or description as of yet. Meanwhile the leftist, mayor as said nothing. We believe at this point, the violence is going to escalate and the mayor, Ted Wheeler is at fault. If the president continues to honor the 10th Amendment and Wheeler continues to do nothing to protect his citizens, the mob will rule ending with a gun battle like we have not seen. BLM and antifa will be overrun. It’s coming to many of the cities owned by the left. Sadly it could have been avoided had the governors and mayors honored the oaths they took when entering office.

**Update August 30, 4chan users appear to have identified the shooter as Michael Reinoehl, 48 from Portland. A tattoo on his neck matches video footage taken the evening of the murder.

Interstate Freeways

Earlier this month a judge set bail for Dawit Kelete at $1.2 million. Sadly a young protestor was killed however, when did it become ok to close an interstate freeway for a protest? The news media just reports that the freeway had been closed nightly for several days. In fact nineteen days in a row “for regular protests” is the common description.

Interstate highways or freeways fall under the jurisdiction of the state’s highway patrol or State Troopers. Not the local police or sheriff. Even though a local law enforcement could pull over or enforce an infraction. In the instance of both Portland and Seattle, the interstates were closed by protestors. Where we’re the state troopers? How did this happen in the first place? Did the Seattle and Portland Mayor’s office interfere with interstate law enforcement? It seems that these protests not only disrupted local traffic but also affected interstate commerce, which would be a federal crime under 18 USCS § 921.

Jenny Durkin Recall

I read that a judge has ruled that a recall petition against Jenny Durkin, Seattle’s left wing mayor can move forward. Since when does a judge need to rule on a recall petition? The article I read stated that the recall was narrow in scope. I did find another petition on Change.org to not only recall the mayor but the entire city council.

Unfortunately most of us cannot sign either petition. Though living in Washington, I don’t live near or in Seattle, thank god. One petition that should be introduced is one to amend the current law protecting elected officials such as her and the council from being personally responsible for their actions or in this case inaction.

Didn’t Know Freeway was Closed?

Chop wasn’t sick enough for the city of Seattle, now they allow protesters to close an interstate freeway for protests? Is there a point where even the left in this god forsaken city will have had enough?

The Philadelphia Inquirer posed it as “panicked protesters scramble after car goes around their barricades” maybe their mommy didn’t do a good job parenting by telling them you don’t play on freeways. The mayor AND governor are completely culpable in this incident.

What Washington needs to do is to repeal all laws that protect elected officials from suits caused by their actions, or inaction. CHOP, is a perfect example. Two people lost their lives while the city turned their back on citizens and property owners caught in the cities own mess. Perhaps instead of CHOP, the situation should have been called CHUMP for what the elected politicians pulled on the taxpayers.

Seattle’s “autonomous zone?”

The not so great city of Seattle but more specifically the mayor, Ginny Durkin and the current Police chief, Carmen Best have ceded control of one of the cities police stations and more importantly several city blocks to protestors. I don’t know if anyone knows the makeup of their leadership but it’s though to be a combination of Black Lives Matter, a far left radical group funded in part by George Soros, hosting militant Antifa and other groups. Both groups have been linked to monies given by Soros, Clinton’s PAC and other far left organizations. In addition to these, many large corporations have also voiced their support. My thought is mostly in an effort to deflect antagonistic media coverage.

I don’t live in King County and have also tried to avoid going in to Seattle proper for some time. Mostly to avoid the traffic and derelicts on the streets, also a child of the way the city has been run for many years. However, it bothers me that while some news covers the city’s gift to the outlaw protestors, nothing has been said of the cost to the city and therefore the residents. I pity those caught living there in this mess. What hasn’t dawned on the leaders (of the city) or maybe has is that none of this is “the cities” money or property. All of this belongs to the taxpayers. Who is going to pay to clean up and restore this mess? Not “the city” but you, the taxpayer. It seems that the only people giving this any attention are out of the city and out of the state news companies. The local news channels have avoided it and have refused to report on the damage done or property defaced by these people.

To ask when and what does the city plan on doing about it is like talking into the wind. The mayor or police chief have no answers but if you look back, neither have ever managed to really perform their duties for the poor people living there. Both have just pandered to liberal cause and anti American appeals. Durkin once thought she would run for governor while our inept Governor Enslee ran his brief campaign for president. Once it was apparent that she and the rest of the state were going to be stuck with him, she retreated in true fashion.

Neither has taken responsibility for the department abandoning the station. More appalling and frankly unbelievable is that the Governor recently tried to convince the public that he was unaware of the handing over of city property to terrorist. If you have any thoughts on this, maybe a call or letter to the city management is in order.

Isn’t this another in a long series of mismanagement by the state and city? Unemployment Homeless, fraud, city contracting, Sound Transit Taxes and lies. Favoritism under COVID orders, Shoplifting Enforcement. There is just so much.

If anyone is interested in contacting any of these officials, information follows.

Mayor Jenny A. Durkin

P.O. Box 94749
Seattle, WA 98124-4749

Phone: 206-684-4000 – email [email protected]

Police Chief Carmen Best

PO Box 34986, Seattle, WA, 98124-4986
Phone: 206-625-5011 Though I did search for an direct email for the chief, all I was able to find was the department’s general contact form.

Governor Jay Inslee
Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002

Phone: 360-902-4111
