America at War

A DC Court of Appeals found that Donald Trump could be held liable for lawsuits concerning the January 6h hoax, committed by Nancy Pelosi, the FBI and other government agencies. Much of the fake news has reported that he is liable, however the ruling really only ordered the lower court to make the decision whether he was acting as the President or a private citizen. There is precedent due to Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 731 (1982) in front of the Supreme Court. Bill Clinton tried and failed to claim immunity in Jones v Clinton. The court ruled that his behavior as a governor is separate from that of the president.

What this boils down to is just another example of the left, uniparty, RINO segment of the nation trying their best to make sure Donald Trump does not become president for a second term. He is currently defending himself in New York in a completely fraudulent trial, note that it is fraud that the inept attorney general has charged him with but also in a DC Court with an overtly leftist judge. If justice is served, he will get his day in court, a metaphor for justice but it’s doubtful. Meanwhile the polls show him well ahead of all of the Republican candidates, also ahead of Biden. This scares the crap out of the swamp republic. I think we need to take the published polling numbers with somewhat a grain of salt. While I believe generally they are true and if the elections we going to be held fairly, more importantly lawfully he is to be the next president. Remember the Red Wave of 2022? The polls and reporting caused many conservatives to stay home because they thought that their vote wasn’t needed.

In the coming months the democrats will continue to harass Trump and everyone involved. That includes you. If they, et al succeed we will be truly at war, or defeated. This time around antifa (little girls) will be dressed in girly hamas costumes. It’s certain that the government will continue to let them destroy businesses, along with private and public property. Armed with a cadre of supposedly trampled upon degenerates we, the citizens will be pushed to either defend the republic or quietly submit. The question is, is there a Nathan Hale amongst us?


A Run run run Run away

The Democrats in Washington State are clearly anticipating a horrid election year as they scramble to backtrack on some of the bills they hastily passed last year in the middle of all of the riots hosted by BLM and antifa. Note that they continue to ignore the damage caused and the lives lost due to this violence.

Enslee signed a watered down version of a bill passed in 2021. House Bill 2037 removes a few key elements of the original bill which effectively tied officers hands in most situations. Democrats knowing they are soon to be defeated excused themselves by saying maybe the bill went a little too far. You can read more here.

Meanwhile the sneaky democrats and Biden continue to erode your rights as a lawful gun owner. It’s no secret that Biden intends to sign the UN’s far reaching reach in the UN Small Arms Treaty. Remember, any treaty must be ratified by Congress. Biden has no authority to sign this unilaterally. More on the UN and it’s goal to take over the gun industry here. It was originally pushed by John Kerry, a well know traitor of the US who has lied to congress starting back to the 70’s and his service in Viet Nam. Of course that hasn’t stopped democrats before.  Contact your legislators to let them know that you oppose this.


Newsletter March 17, 2022

I just sent out a newsletter to my subscribers. If you’re subscribed, you would have received it. If not, you should consider joining my list. I do not SPAM you. In fact I wish I had more time to devote to this.

A few thoughts while I’m here though. You are not getting the truth about Ukraine. If Hillary Clinton and George Soros are saying the same thing, you know it’s lies. While Putin isn’t a good guy. He’s a little ex KBG agent who really want to build Russia back into the Soviet Union or something similar. However, the US and the other globalists, including NATO have been pushing his button on this for many years. It even goes back to George Bush & beyond. Ever hear of Victoria Nuland? Dick Cheney? It’s sad but at the end of Bush’s term, Cheney was one of the few who I mistakenly admired. So much for his daughter. This article in American Greatness does a pretty good job of giving you some insight that isn’t in the news.

The Intelligence Community is Spying on you

The intelligence community is spying on you and it gets worse. You are probably going to hear over the next several days about evidence released by the John Durham investigation. Frankly I gave up on him some time ago, even knowing that these types of investigations take a very long time. What most of the information you will here is just the tip of the iceberg.

Instead of giving you snippets of the information I am linking the entire article that has the government reeling. The article is from the Conservative Treehouse. I am not one to say red it before it’s banned but I suggest you should read it, download it and share it with friends while you can.

The article HERE

No more Hershey’s Products for me

Hershey’s, a long time manufacturer of most everything chocolate has begun to fire employees that have not been vaccinated. Long time employees were not excluded nor were employees expecting a religious exemption.

Long time employee Kim Durham said “I thought this was behind me until September when I met with an HR representative. It was an interrogation on your religious beliefs. They twisted your words and tried to put words in your mouth. It was terrible. I was asked such personal questions that had nothing to do with religion.”

It’s clear that they have joined to woke. I am not a believer in cancel culture, but I speak with my feet and my pocketbook.

Current Hershey Products


  1. Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election
  2. The federal government is colluding with private enterprises to stifle free speech in America.
  3. Kamala Harris used what’s between her legs to gain her first position in government.
  4. Joe Biden is showing signs of dementia.
  5. There was no “armed insurrection “ on January 6th, 2021. It was staged.
  6. Kamala Harris isn’t Black. She’s a mix between East Indian and Jamaican.
  7. Durham isn’t working for the American public.
  8. Top democrats, including Nancy Pelosi committed insurrection against our government and so far have gotten away with it.
  9. The COVID-19 “pandemic” isn’t. It was used to undermine Trump and is now being used as a crisis to bolster the Biden government.
  10. This so called “list” by Word Press doesn’t work as it should.
  11. The Supreme Court is shirking their duties to the American public.
  12. Michael Medved isn’t a conservative
  13. Through HR1 the democrats are working to permanently remove election integrity. They will steal every election going forward if this is allowed to pass.

Why I’m Leaving Instagram

I have been a website author for many years. I always stayed away from Facebook, mainly because I couldn’t stand the twerp who invented it. I always thought he would ultimately betray his audience and recently he proved me right. Zukerberg let his political bias run his platform and he has instilled some of the most egregious censorship to date. He’s followed by Twitter, Google and for the most part all of the tech giants out of Silicon Valley.

Facebook and Instagram, now owned by them actively censor free speech in the name of public protection. Everyone knows it is censorship for the liberals. Free speech is under attack in America and unless we do something about it the US is just going to turn into another piss pot dictator state. With the stolen election, we are well on the way.

This site or organization is currently on Instagram. We’ve never been on Facebook though many years ago I ran several accounts on Twitter. I watch all of the conservatives decry censorship yet feed the little shit by being on his platform. No more for me. If you want to hear what I have to say, visit my website.

Daniel Greenfield

If you’ve never read Daniel Greenfield, you should. To be expected, this article is spot on to where America is and rapidly heading unless it’s stopped. Big tech has taken censorship to a higher level. I don’t think even the communist democrats expect what happens next. For now they are euphoric in what they think is gained power. Little do they know, they will be forced to follow the lemming line eventually.

Twitter is a choice. Google, Apple and Microsoft are a threat to our nation because they control not only the information but access to it. We must have a free internet. Not one controlled by these providers.

Where’s Durham? Meanwhile, close your Amazon account

Durham’s so called investigation has been going on for two years now. How much has it cost? Best guess is upwards of 30 million dollars. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch called this a scam on the Trump supporters back in September. I agree with him. Barr resigns, Durham disappears, when, if Biden takes office this will all go away.

Am I the only one who notices that all democrat run “investigations” have a completion and final result? Even Mueller’s debacle had a final report. Like the storming of the capitol, Trump supporters are duped again.

Wakeup! There is only one way out of this. In a previous post I listed some of the companies who have coordinated to erase Donald Trump. As a supporter, you are next. How many are still on twitter, buying from Amazon, posting pictures to pinterest? Amazon hides how to close your account like imagine the rest. Closing Prime is easy and you can do it on line. To close your Amazon account, go here If you continue these services, you aren’t part of the solution.
