Another Low

I wish we could say that a new low has been reach by the left but it would be outdated before I published it. The police chief in Denver Colorado issued a stand down order and failed to protect Michelle Malkin and supporters at a conference. She along with several of her supporters were attacked by the lawless crowd. Meanwhile the chief and officers did nothing. All of them, including the chief of police took an oath to uphold the law. They failed and should be put on notice. Read more HERE

Interstate Freeways

Earlier this month a judge set bail for Dawit Kelete at $1.2 million. Sadly a young protestor was killed however, when did it become ok to close an interstate freeway for a protest? The news media just reports that the freeway had been closed nightly for several days. In fact nineteen days in a row “for regular protests” is the common description.

Interstate highways or freeways fall under the jurisdiction of the state’s highway patrol or State Troopers. Not the local police or sheriff. Even though a local law enforcement could pull over or enforce an infraction. In the instance of both Portland and Seattle, the interstates were closed by protestors. Where we’re the state troopers? How did this happen in the first place? Did the Seattle and Portland Mayor’s office interfere with interstate law enforcement? It seems that these protests not only disrupted local traffic but also affected interstate commerce, which would be a federal crime under 18 USCS § 921.

Another View

While the left media have portrayed the recent response to a BLM protest in Snohomish as drunken alt-right intimidation, I found this article in a local Paper. Written by the Mayor of Snohomish, Mayor John Kartak. I don’t suppose it’s going to get much press exposure outside of the journal. You can find it HERE

Primary Elections are Here

Washingtonians should have received their ballots by now. It is imperative that conservative voters VOTE! This election cycle is of upmost importance. The odds of retaking this state have never been better.

Though the Mayor’s race for Seattle ends in 2021, Jenny Durkan and the local government are in real trouble as are most liberal governments across the country. Citizens are sick of the governments wasteful spending and abdicating their authority to rioters.

The current governor, Enslee is also fighting for his political career. We watched him waste taxpayer dollars flying around in his ridiculous bid for president. His administration has failed the residents of Washington and if he isn’t voted out, has already promised a more tax stance with introducing state income tax. Washington residents are already over taxed by state and local government agencies. Sound Transit promised with new taxes, they would build an efficient transit system while saving highway funds and increase ridership. They have done none of that and are prepared to ask for more taxpayer funds.

Sick of it? VOTE! If you haven’t gotten to know your candidates, seek out the county GOP Party websites for candidate information. Below is a list of Washington GOP sites to go.

Click HERE for a list of county GOP websites

Jenny Durkin Recall

I read that a judge has ruled that a recall petition against Jenny Durkin, Seattle’s left wing mayor can move forward. Since when does a judge need to rule on a recall petition? The article I read stated that the recall was narrow in scope. I did find another petition on to not only recall the mayor but the entire city council.

Unfortunately most of us cannot sign either petition. Though living in Washington, I don’t live near or in Seattle, thank god. One petition that should be introduced is one to amend the current law protecting elected officials such as her and the council from being personally responsible for their actions or in this case inaction.

Truth is

The truth is that blacks and other people who are not white have been leaving the Democratic Party. The left is scared shitless. They are trying to start a race war because the leftist media will portray it as a war against the racist kkk or rednecks which is what they portray Republicans as.

Didn’t Know Freeway was Closed?

Chop wasn’t sick enough for the city of Seattle, now they allow protesters to close an interstate freeway for protests? Is there a point where even the left in this god forsaken city will have had enough?

The Philadelphia Inquirer posed it as “panicked protesters scramble after car goes around their barricades” maybe their mommy didn’t do a good job parenting by telling them you don’t play on freeways. The mayor AND governor are completely culpable in this incident.

What Washington needs to do is to repeal all laws that protect elected officials from suits caused by their actions, or inaction. CHOP, is a perfect example. Two people lost their lives while the city turned their back on citizens and property owners caught in the cities own mess. Perhaps instead of CHOP, the situation should have been called CHUMP for what the elected politicians pulled on the taxpayers.
