A Little Spice Shop

There used to be a little spice shop not too far from me called Penzeys Spices. It was unique in that they filled about a thousand square foot of retail space with a good selection of spices and packaged cooking gift sets. We started noticing their demise shortly before Christmas last year when they stopped being a retail store and just had pick up for spices ordered. I imagine they were hit hard by the covid restrictions placed on all businesses by our misguided governor.

They closed the store after the first of the year. I decided to take a look at their on line presence and see if they had closed other stores. From my browsing I saw that they maintained an on line presence and also seem to have a number of stores around the country. In our case, I suppose the location choices for this store could have been better. It’s placement in the center could have been better etc.

While browsing the website I was astonished to find a menu item labeled “About Republicans.” I clicked on it expecting to read some drivel from a left leaning shop keeper which is all to common here in the left coast. Instead it was a soliloquy about the republicans drift from this person’s vision of where the party should be. The reader was forced to assume the writer was an old guard Republican who has watched his party depart sanity. Instead the writing contained all of the catch words of a liberal trying to rationalize his liberalism. In his opinion republicans really have turned into Neanderthals who are afraid of computers “Remember when your distrust of big city types, and your deep rooted beliefs in paying your debts, respecting your marriage, raising kids willing to serve, honoring your word, and going to church every week had you voting for Donald Trump over Joe Biden all because Biden’s son had a computer? Or how you couldn’t vote for Hillary because she was over-prepared and used emails?” Seriously?

Since republicans don’t believe in climate change they want to destroy the earth. One must remember, climate change is the phrase the left switched to when they finally figured out that there is no science for anyone to believe behind global warming. In the seventies, the earth was going to freeze. Yep, I was there too. Biden’s son had a computer and oh what a computer it is. Eventually the Biden organization will be outed. Just like the Clinton’s. Unfortunately much like David Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, nobody will care any longer. What do you think about them Bill?

You accuse the Republican Party of racism. Back your words up. Meanwhile the left has been murdering non whites for decades under the cover of “woman’s rights” We’ll have those niggers voting for us for decades, famously spoken by LBJ. Welfare is and was a poison gifted by the democrats to the blacks. The same has been true for what we’ve done to the original people of the US, no really the world. Social welfare and ignoring honor has raised generations of dependence upon handouts throughout the civilization.

Your argument give the parameters of either Trump or Biden. Is that really a choice? I’ve been around long enough to vote for Nixon, of course Reagan, and Trump. Nixon was smart enough to know that the corrupt press had already convicted him in the publics view. Forget the things he did do in his administration. Reagan was good man though he was gullible. Tip O’Neal fooled him often. He was honorable enough to recognize that he could not run the country in his growing stages of mental decline. Compare that to the current president who has no business even taking the title. The thought of Biden winning the election is laughable. It didn’t happen and no, I am not delusional.

In closing Bill, can you name five policies that Donald Trump supported during his presidency that you believe harmed the country? Please name five policies that Joe Biden has implemented that are good for the country. Please try to remember, the president should not judged by their tweets or personal faults but by what they did or do for the country. If the opposite were true, how should JFK be judged?

The Editor

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