Everyone is writing articles about how we (America) got here, I thought I should share my own thoughts. It’s intended to be a call to action, rather than a soliloquy.
How American Ended Up how it Is and how to Fix it by the webmaster
We let them distract us while they filled the college’s with anti American professors. When I refer to anti American, I only refer to values that ignore the history of America and its freedoms. We ignored the first tests of antifa troups called SDS and other left wing organizations. We allowed “terrorists” such as Bernadette Dorn, Angela Davis and Bill Ayers, all convicted criminals to become revered college professors, later to influence one of our most dubious presidents in history. We also ran away, instead of fighting when the left covered up his (Obama’s) history.
There is no question that America indeed elected a Manchurian Candidate. We elected congressmen who thought of their service as an occupation with fringe benefits. We continue to do so with “republicans” who are afraid of their own shadows. When they lied to us, such as Tip O’Neil and other democrat leaders, we didn’t take revenge. We let them creep into our local governments and utilities. We never understood that it wasn’t the communist we needed to watch, it was the democrats and their own doctrines that we also didn’t bother to read.
“The party left me” is a common excuse used by the middle democrats but it’s just a misunderstanding. The democrats have always been the same, with the same goals. They have always known that they cannot compete with conservatism head to head so they hide their agenda, just like they hid their faces under the sheets as the Klu Klux Clan. Today their minions, antifa do the same thing. It’s time to unmask them all, physically if necessary.
With the ongoing trials of Trump, they have through their actions unmasked themselves to the public to a great extent. They do it with impunity because we have given them so many years of acceptance. The question is, are we going to just allow it or seek revenge on the unmasked, by election, or otherwise. We are at the brink of total chaos. The Merchan trial is really just a test by them to see how far we will let them go. It’s also a dare, hoping that someone who they can pin on the right, makes a move to assassinate Merchan or someone else so a rule of Marshall Law can be declared. It’s time to hold on to your guns and your bibles.
Enough said.