Seattle’s Woes

The Seattle city council voted to override the Mayor’s veto of a previous resolution to defund the Seattle Police department. With two dissenting votes the measure passed. It’s hard to imagine that in the crazy world of Seattle, Jenny Durkin could be the closest voice of reason.

The local socialist, Kshama  Sawant didn’t feel that an alternative proposal went far enough. The end result will be that Seattle will lose one hundred officers, a much reduced budget including a reduction of the police chiefs salary to $275,000. It isn’t necessary to go into more details at this time. The end result is the council voted to give anarchy the rule in Seattle. How is it that the voters didn’t see this coming? I’ve heard that the city is already on the way to loose the officers. Partially by retiring out others by volunteering to exit this sickness called Seattle. It’s happening all over the country. Cities are loosing officers to smaller communities that believe in law and order.

One question I have if where is the state officers association? I’m pretty sure that Seattle has contracts with the Union. I reached out to them several weeks ago about this for a comment and so far nobody has come forward except a couple of officers interviews by the news.

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