Washington governor Enslee confirmed, to his believers, that participating in protests hasn’t increased the spread of COVID. An article in MYNorthwest quotes Enslee as saying “Evidence is pretty strong protests haven’t increased the spread of COVID-19”
He’s probably right. At least in the context of the normal spread on any virus or flu. Anecdotal information from living in this so called pandemic leads me to believe the number of cases is no more than a normal cold or flu year. Think about it. I personally know four people who have had the virus. Isn’t that more or less the same number of friends or associates I would encounter having a cold or flu in any given year. Someone sent me a COVID map. I don’t know how accurate it is however, the numbers match what we are all hearing.

I would give the image attribution but I do not know where it came from. Whether protest which are lawful or riots, which are not they have been a part of our news whether we like it or not. Here’s the problem with Enslee’s comment. If protests are A-ok, why does he and other governors oppose other gatherings, such as funerals, weddings and church services? It is purely political. While these leftists can’t control the riots in their cities, they can control the law abiding citizens. It’s time for the citizens to figure it out and have their own protests at funerals, weddings and church services.