Didn’t Know Freeway was Closed?

Chop wasn’t sick enough for the city of Seattle, now they allow protesters to close an interstate freeway for protests? Is there a point where even the left in this god forsaken city will have had enough?

The Philadelphia Inquirer posed it as “panicked protesters scramble after car goes around their barricades” maybe their mommy didn’t do a good job parenting by telling them you don’t play on freeways. The mayor AND governor are completely culpable in this incident.

What Washington needs to do is to repeal all laws that protect elected officials from suits caused by their actions, or inaction. CHOP, is a perfect example. Two people lost their lives while the city turned their back on citizens and property owners caught in the cities own mess. Perhaps instead of CHOP, the situation should have been called CHUMP for what the elected politicians pulled on the taxpayers.

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